Step 7: Explore Your Spirituality

This is a very broad subject. But to me it's quite straightforward. I cannot begin to explain the kind of life storms that my faith has gotten me through. A man with no faith doesn't exist. He's like the living dead. Faith is what helps us through the darkest chapters of our lives. Faith is what makes us see the light so far ahead inside a tunnel.

There is no way you can be a better person if you do not have God. Submitting yourself to God and His will subdues your flesh. I know it's not easy but we are so lucky to have a merciful God. You need to take some time out to reevaluate your stand with God. You need to make sure that you're walking in His ways (atleast that you're trying your hardest to).

Being spiritual takes us away from the physical. At this point you view situations and circumstances the same way God views them. There is no way you walk with someone and they don't rub off on you. Who better to rub off on you than your Heavenly Father? You know He never disappoints or forgets.

Just holding on to your faith can make the toughest of situations seem like child's play. Listen to me, you can not go it alone. No man or woman can fill up God's place in your heart. Only God can complete you. You know that dull ache you get in your 'heart', that one when you feel like you just want more even if you are part of a dynamic couple? That's you longing for God.

God is your source and every river returns to it's source (that's a proverb from my people). Don't only remember Him when you're out of options. He should hold first place in your life. Without Him, you wouldn't even have come into existence! Yes, explore your spirituality...know and study new ways to get closer to God. Find new ways to make your relationship with Him stronger.

If I didn't have Him encouraging me and just healing me from inside out I would have been a goner for sure. I doubt I would have returned from the dark place I kept myself in. He brought light back into my life and gave me a reason to smile again. With His help, I'm going to be the best I can be. I'm going to become a better person and you can too.

God is able! With Him, not only are all things possible, they're favorable! -Anima Series

If you have lost anything, God is the reason you didn't lose everything! - Bishop Oyedepo

God has a way of turning every mess in your life, even the one you created by yourself, into a message. - Dr. Chris Kwapowkwe (ODM)

God sees you broken and heals you with His love. No matter how many times you fall, He remains faithful. To Him you always come first. To Him, you're just right. His strength is made perfect in our weakness. Because of Him, we make it through each day. Awesome Father, Loving God, The one who was, who is and will be for ever more. My God!!! -Adupeola


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