Happy Birthday, Daddy!!!

I know I must have gushed a million times on here how awesome my dad is and how he's the best in the world. I only say that so often because it's true. It's the 'realest' thing to me in the universe. My dad has come through for me so many times and in so many ways that would make other men feel like they failed as fathers.

He provides, he protects, he listens, he encourages, he loves, he supports, he rebrands and he cares so very much. He's the only human in my life that I have never been truly mad at (although I pretend that I am from time to time). I have the special gift of being able to pretend certain people do not exist and he's the only one I never tried it out on. Whenever he isn't around, I miss him terribly. When he is, we fight like crazy but underneath it all the love shines through.

He took the time, despite his busy schedule to teach us how to ride a bike, he held our hands until we could skate independently. He taught us how to use the computer. I happen to be superslow when it comes to technology and he was patient with me. He has helped me with the toughest of assignments. He has soothed me out of terrible moods just by calling at the right time.

I've constantly asked my mum how she got so lucky and ended up with my dad. Other times, I call her attention to the fact that she got the best man in the world. I have often asked why the Yorubas say, "Iya ni wura, baba ni jigi". Paraphrased; a mother can be likened to gold (or a precious jewel) and a father can be likened to glass. I always asked my grandma why a father cannot be likened to gold as well.

I get it now though. Mothers are tough. They do so much for free and they're still happy. But a father is much more fragile. I realized that my dad didn't have to go the extra mile for us, afterall he was providing for us but he wanted to. Because his love was that absolute. His undying love for his family separates him from the others. He is to be appreciated often and not neglected because of his fragilness, not because if we don't, he would stop but because if we do, he becomes better at it.

My daddy is the bestest daddy in the world. I have never doubted his love for me and I never will. I try not to dissapoint him, but when I do, he forgives me without hesitation. I have asked God for a million and one things in my life. I know He never gets tired of hearing me call on Him. But the dearest prayer to my heart right now as I grow older (and wiser) is that God sends a man like my daddy my way. I want to have what my mum has and I want my children to have the world's second greatest dad!

Daddy, as you add another year to your years, I pray that God protects you for me. I pray that He grants you long life and prosperity. I pray that He gives me the opportunity to celebrate you in every way I plan to just to show you what you mean to me. I pray He lets you reap the fruits of your labor over my siblings and I. I pray that we make you proud. I pray that you remain blessed and favored. I pray that He enlarge your coasts and I pray that the love you have for all of us (mummy included) never fades. We love you. I love you.

Hip! Hip!! Hip!!! Hurray!!!!


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