Going Vegetarian For A Week!

Okay, I know I've written so many times about weight loss that even my family has begun to assume that I am more obsessed with the idea than the act itself. Can't say I blame them. I have never started and finished a particular diet. Chuck it up to my lack of discipline. Funny enough, despite my obvious shortcomings in terms of discipline, I still find just a little doze of it to write when I can. I must confess that the 'when I can' is a lot more than the number of times I've actually written but you gotta learn to give me a break. I'm doing my best!

Now on to my latest idea. By the way, did I mention that I registered for a gym? I actually went there all of 2 times in the 3 weeks that I signed up for it. I must admit that I was in a world of pain...good pain though. I felt stronger and exhilarated. I had more energy than I've had in ages. Now, I know most of you would call me lazy and I probably wouldn't disagree with that term but I just happen to be allergic to pain so I'm on a break and I will go back soon. Hopefully before my muscles atrophy again.

On to my new diet. While I don't think meat is murder (afterall, it's not similar to cannibalism in anyway), humans are by nature omnivorous creatures. We eat meat and we eat plants. If vegans were so much against eating anything that has life, they probably shouldn't be eating at all. Plants have lives too. Or is it, they don't eat anything that plays? Lol! I'm certain that at the bottom of this, there's some misunderstanding. I also know I'm not the one doing the misunderstanding.

The only reason I want to try it for a week is not because I want to make it a lifestyle (I love my meat...the redder the better), I just happen to believe that vegans will be consuming less calories than people who eat more than leaves. I know even the herbivores are bored with their diet. But I still need to lose weight. I've lost a little weight, but I want to lose some more. I know, I know, a week is just 7 days. I just want to know if I can handle the diet or not.

I'm not going fully vegan though. I plan to eat eggs and some diary (preferably low-fat). But my diet would be mostly veggies and fruits. No tofus for me though. I can't stand the stuff! Not that I've eaten plenty of it though. I sure wouldn't want to repeat the experience though. I know what you're thinking. How am I sure I would stick to this diet even when I've found that I can tolerate it? I'm not sure...I just have to try it out.

I'll let you know how it goes. Wish me luck!


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