Bring Back Our Girls!!!

I have tried as much as possible to make sure I don't dive into certain matters. I have no interest in politics and I never post gossip. It isn't principles, it's just who I am. Whenever it comes to sensitive matters that many term political, I can only see the moralistic side. I am incapable of even trying to comprehend how politicians act. All I know is how horrified or disturbed their attitude towards the masses makes me.

While I am not proactive enough to join the protests, I feel the need to somehow let it be known that my heart goes out to the parents of the abducted girls and that my prayers are with the girls wherever they are right now. I am a woman. Not too long ago I was a girl. I have sat down many times since I heard the news to try and imagine how petrified I would be if I was suddenly kidnapped at gun point by a group of terrorist knowing fully well that my government isn't going to try all that hard to get me back. I have also tried to imagine the kind of pain their parents must be going through. Both times, I failed. You cannot really understand another's situation, you can only sympathize.

I think what bothers me the most is the fact that it looks like nobody is trying to get them back. Back home. Back to their parents. I wonder what the people that claim to lead us are thinking? Do they really find it that easy to sleep at night knowing fully well that over 200 families are in agony? It crossed my mind that some families might have had more than one child kidnapped. Most siblings go to the same schools. That would mean that in a family like that, it would be a double dose of agony.

The people that swore to protect us, that swore to keep us safe not only let those poor girls be captured,  but they also failed to rescue them and bring them back. Only God knows what's happening to those girls. How they are being treated by their captors. The story both saddens and scares the hell out of me. I've tried as much as possible to avoid reading about it. But no matter how much I try to, I still hear about it. Who knows what those demons have up their sleeves now? I mean, what reason could they have had to do something like that. Isn't the FG worried that their lackadaisical attitude towards it might generate a repeat?

I have often on my Facebook page denounced Jonathan. To me he is a feeble man. He wants to be president and yet he's got no balls (excuse my language). I don't know the protocol or politics of it all but I know that these girls need to be brought back home to their families. I am scared for Nigeria. I am scared for it's people. These evil people can not be allowed to win.

Mr. President,  please try and put yourself in their parents' shoes. You have children has well. No parent wants to lose their child. The Yorubas will say (translated), "it is better for a child to die than to be missing". Their hearts will only keep yearning for their children. Please do something and help ensure that their girls come back home.

My prayers go out to all the lost girls; may God be with you and may He find a way to bring you back home. Like He brought the Israelites out of Egypt. Like He helped David rescue his wives and his men's wives and children. May He in His infinite mercy devise a divine way for you to be brought back home. Until then, let His protection forge a hedge of fire around you keeping you safe from every and all evil. In Jesus' Name. Amen

#BringBackOurGirls #GodBlessNigeria


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