"I am Woman, Hear Me Roar!!!"

I am the crowning glory of all of God's creation. I can both build and destroy a man, yet I often choose to build him. I am beautiful, intelligent, wise, strong, nurturing and embedded with influence. I am chased by many, wanted by few and needed by one. I am that one that guides and encourages the children while supporting and praising their father.

Only through me can another being be brought forth. I am handed the painful responsibility of multiplying a nation. I endure the pain because I love the end result. I am considered less important at home and in the society at large. Many hate that I have a voice. Many hate my hidden strength. I am vulnerable and yet so strong. I am trodden upon, crushed and used and yet I smile through it all.

I cry when I'm happy and when I'm sad. I switch moods faster than the weather. I am soft and yet my will is stronger than steel. I handle all the hate thrown at me. I tolerate the rude remarks and the hurtful and disrespectful gestures. Even when my spirit has been broken by the one I hold dear, I find the strength to rise again, to trust again, to love again.

Everything I do, I give it my all. When I say I love someone, it's for real. I readily give all of me to the one I cherish. Even when I'm taken advantage of, even when I know I'm being used, I still give my all, I still stay true. It hurts but I have such a high tolerance for pain that I carefully keep it hidden beneath the surface where nobody can find it.

Sometimes in life I have to go it alone. I have to build a house, create a home and raise my children all by myself. At times like that, I work a little harder,  push myself a little faster and I pray night and day that I do a good job. Nothing I do is ever enough though and I'm still scorned, criticized and made a little above a social pariah!

The power I weild, the strength I keep hidden, the pain I go through, the constant battle every waking day brings; all these are underestimated.

I am woman. I am a daughter, a sister, a mother, a wife, breadwinner, homemaker,   professional all wrapped up in one. It might be a man's world, but it's run by women!

I am woman, hear me roar!!!

"Here's to good women. May we know them, may we be them and may we raise them" - Anonymous


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