Let's Go Back a Couple of Months...

After reading the first part of the story. I realized I shouldn't have written that the story started in June 2017. It was a little bit earlier than that. That year, Pastor Nat had the #holyghostchallenge first. I took part in that. I had been baptized in the Holy Spirit but it wasn't part of me yet. I decided to join out of curiosity about what it would do for my spirit man. 

It started with the prayer points. And that was back in April of 2017. Up until then, God only communicated with me through dreams. Even when I didn't really know Him as a child, even when I turned my back on Him as a teen, even when I took Him for granted as a young adult. He communicated with me from time to time via dreams. It was the first time He would speak to me in that manner and so, I assumed I had heard myself. I reached out to Pastor Nat and thankfully, he replied to me. 

Once I found out I didn't hear myself, I started to pray the prayers. I wanted to truly understand one of the terms in the prayer points - soul ties. I went on to research it and that's how I found Tony Gaskins. I prayed these prayers diligently and after a while, the burden eased. Just as it was easing, #hallelujahchallenge was birthed. Because I was excited about the first challenge and the results, it was easier to join this one. Also, God had asked me to give Him my birth month & it just felt right. Lol...I didn't realize then that June would become significant for me from then on.

Another one was held in November of the same year and that's when I shared the testimony above. Lol, there was a switch in my personality from then. I also started to realize that I didn't truly know myself. And that's when the search began. Maybe it's because King David is my favorite biblical character (I can relate to him the most). I started to hear, "a man after My heart." I went online to find out if there were articles on the topic that relates to women and that's how I discovered Elizabeth George. Her book, A Woman After God's Heart was the first book of her's I read and I've read many more since then.

I've written about my struggle with the fog of depression in the past. I don't want to delve into it again. Besides, this story isn't about it. I did get liberated from that spirit though and it has never returned since. I'm full of joy. So much so that I sometimes forget to act my age 🤣🤣🤣. The only difference is my happiness isn't being faked now. My joy is real. I've had joy for 5 years now regardless of my circumstances or my environment.

To be continued...


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