Seasons Of Life

My last post What Season Of Your Life Are You In? brought in amazing feedback. I had no idea that so many people have wondered about the seasons of our lives as much as I have. I was amazed and overwhelmed with joy at the fact that I was able to reach so many. People called to say thank you for making me aware, others dropped messages in my email, on whatsapp, twitter and even Facebook to say my post got them thinking. The one reaction that got to me the most though, was that some didn't know how to identify what season they were in. Others just found it a bit confusing figuring out what season they were in. I felt the least I could do since I brought it to the attention of my readers, to you, is to try and help you figure it out. I thought the best way to do that would be to list and give you as much information as I can on the seasons of life.

Being the kind of person that I am, I refuse to write something unless I have researched it even if it is to the barest minimum. I like to back my information with facts. I don't want to push my own agenda on you, although I let you in on my opinion on the matter, I like that I give you the facts and then you find a way to take it from there. My posts aren't cold and distant only because I add my personal touches and experiences into the mix. That makes it fun for me, because I like to chatter. And for you, because, you get a glimpse of my silliness and get to be relieved when you find out you're not the craziest person in the world. Lol...anyway, let's get back to the point.

Like the seasons of the year, the season of life also come in 4. They are; Winter, Autumn, Spring and Summer. Let's take it one after the other shall we?

Winter: This is the season of our life where we experience challenges and difficulties. It is that time in our lives when it seems like nothing is working. That time when everything that could possibly go wrong, goes horribly wrong. It can be your loneliest season. The days are cold and the nights even colder. We face all sorts of storms that we don't even know for sure if we can weather. Storms that even if we weather, we don't know what kind of toll it will take on our lives. Someone very wise once said, that this period is a learning period for us. We learn how strong we can be when we don't have the option of being weak. We learn to be grateful for every good thing that has ever passed through our lives because the greatest lesson of the winter is; do not take anything for granted for it can be taken away.

This season is all about survival. Not living, but surviving. Maybe you lost your job, or you lost a loved one. Maybe your relationship imploded. Maybe it's a sudden illness. Maybe your dream fell through. Maybe you lost your savings. Think of the worst thing that can happen to you or already happened to you. That moment is when you enter your winter. Mine was a couple of years ago, it was a stressful time for me. If you are a someone who reads my blog frequently, you will be aware of this period of my life. I have written about it from time to time. And I make references to it often. Someone once asked me why I did that. My answer was simple. That period of my life molded me. I went into the burning furnace and I came out pure. I was tried and yes, I reached my limit, but I made it through. I had the depression, the anxiety, the rapid weight gain, the breakup, the continual sense of unfulfillment, the moodiness, the anger issues, you name it and I probably had that too. Through it all, I felt like the only time I started to make any headway was when I started to be grateful for what I had instead of complain about what I lost or wish I had. I agree with all the specialists, as much as we might hate or dislike this period of our lives, it is a necessary evil. So, if this is the season of your life that you are in, I urge you to hold on, fight and be grateful. The good news is, seasons always change!

Autumn: This is the season of our life where change occurs. It is that season of our life where we finally realize there's no moving forward without letting go of the old. We finally figure out that what we need is a change. Maybe not a drastic one, it might be a gradual one. A little change here and there. We all know that change is a constant factor in life. Embracing that change is the real problem. We all know what happens in the autumn right? The leaves of trees that have withered and died, they start to fall off. That's the tree's way of letting go of the old and making room for the new. There are so many things we might need to let go of; like the past, unforgiveness, old relationships, old ideas, past trauma, old beliefs, negative emotions, anger, etc. not letting go leaves on stuck on stupid. Stuck in the past and unable to move forward and embrace positive change.

I know it's hard. I've been through it. It was my own personal hell. Knowing that I needed a change but to scared to actively embrace it. I needed to change my attitude, needed to change my eating habits so I could lose weight effectively, needed to change my routine so I wasn't stuck in a rut all the time, needed to re-brand myself totally. I was scared and it's okay to be scared. What's not okay is to stay scared. Like that popular saying, starting is half the battle. Once you start, it gets a little bit more easier and before you know it, everything looks fresh again. You hit the factory reset button and you're ready to make the first step. This season comes immediately after winter, you give it permission to come. If you decide to stay in your winter period, you only have yourself to blame. I stayed in winter for two and a half years, trust me, it wasn't fun.

Spring: This is the season of new beginnings. A fresh start. This is the season of life that I am in right now. It is the season of trying out new things and actively planting new growth. I recently went down not 1, but 4 dress sizes. I go out more often and I try to be friendlier. I decided to learn how to drive afterall and enrolled in a driving school. In the past, I believed that so I wouldn't be all hung up on my feminine power I needed to leave one thing out that he could do that I couldn't. Why did I change my mind? Because during the autumn, I discarded my old beliefs and picked up new ones. I actively brought my ego down a couple of notches and that has been a great help. I even did things that I would not usually do. Things I was to full of myself to do. I joined a networking site and got more friends online. Friends with the same intellectual pursuits. People I didn't have to see to rub minds with. I cooked more(if you follow my blog, you already know I'm a fast food junkie, a great cook albeit a lazy one). Everytime, laziness starts to encroach, I find something to do. I even started working on my script again, hopefully I'll finish it before the end of the year. I quit vodka and took up red wine. I still don't exercise much but I walk more, move around often, and do squats daily. I'm actively planting and I cannot wait to harvest. Honestly, right now, it doesn't even matter in the least that I'm single. I'm living my life and making it work. I am more fulfilled and I smile more. My anger is on the down-low and my mood swings are practically nonexistent. If I didn't know better, I would say I was happy. I can't wait for the next season. It's when I get to eat the fruits of my labor. Lol..

Summer: This is the season to enjoy yourself. You had your fresh start. You had your period of creating new beginnings and now it's time to laugh often and play often. This is the time to reap the rewards of the positive change that you have made in the past 2 seasons. It is a time to be joyful. It is a time to be loving life. Everything is working as planned and you cannot help breaking out in laughter. You got a new job. A new relationship. You were able to heal emotionally. You found away to work through your grieve. Life is clearer. The air seems lighter. You seem lighter. You're literally walking on air. This is a season that I aspire to be in sometime soon. I can't wait! It is the best season to be in.

All the seasons are important. It is part of life's cycle. We will all experience this seasons at various stages of our lives. It helps to be prepared and to also learn to accept whatever season you're in. Don't stress it if you're in winter. Eventually it will change. That change might just have to begin with you.

I hope this post makes it a little easier for you to figure out what season you're in. Good luck!

With love,



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