Stop Passing The Buck!

I'm as guilty of this as the next person. Everything wrong in my life, every mistake I've made, every of my failures just had to be someone else's fault. Never mine. Somehow, I just knew that logic was wrong but like I recently admitted to a friend, I'm not very logical. Sometimes, we just have to blame someone. We just need that bit of respite. I wonder what we really think is going to happen if we just accept our faults. Would the world as we know it come to an abrupt end? I seriously doubt that.

Should I tell you what I think? I think we're too cowardly to accept responsibility for the way we end up. For the way our relationships ended. For that mistake. Everybody makes mistakes.  Why doesn't that make it any easier when we make mistakes? The thing is, at the end of the day, we aren't completely blameless. Your background, your parents, your level of education, your friends, etc. None of these are truly to blame. They are just comfortable excuses. You should probably decide to live a life void of excuses. That's probably how legends are born(I'm almost 99.9% sure of that).  Besides, we make our own destinies.

I realize that this article might come across as musings or reflections of a troubled young woman, but they aren't(I'm not all that troubled although I am quite young). We are almost in the 11th month. Very soon you will all begin to come up with new year resolutions. I personally come up with mine in the 12th month a little after Christmas. That gives me at least a week and a half to break them all. Recently, I've come to realize that I only hurt myself by breaking them. I would like to think I grew a lot this past year. I really think I'm less childish and a little more mature. I confess that it might also be due to the fact that I'm hardly a child anymore and I'm a firstborn(nothing screams responsibility like 'firstborn').

Still, I don't think I did it on my own. I had all of you wonderful readers to help me. Your criticism, your loyalty and your devotion to my blog sometimes brings me to tears. I want the very best for all my readers and that is why I sincerely ask you to please refrain from passing the buck. Quit blaming others for your misfortunes and trials. Take your life into your hands and mold it into what you will. Something great of course. Take charge of every aspect of your life. Find a balance. Make it work. If you fall, get up and try again. Never quit. A successful man isn't the man that made it on his first try but the man who after every failure, managed to rise up and start again. Just think...what would have happened if Thomas Edison or Albert Einstein gave up? Or Ben Carson? What would have happened if Professor Wole Soyinka thought less of himself because he left the university with a third-class?

My dears, like my spiritual and biological fathers will say,"it isn't over until it is over". When there's a will, there's always away. Besides, 1 with God is always in the majority. 2014 has been good and bad. It has brought it's joys and it's pains. Determine now to not let any obstacles you've faced this year or mistakes you've made taint 2015. Do it now! You have about 61 days to change your mindset and be the best you can ever be. I'm always of the opinion that most people don't give themselves enough credit. Believe in yourself and have faith in God.  Do the work and never give up. It will most definitely end in praise for all of us! Amen...

P.S. thank you so much for your love and support for the past 10 months. I'm both humbled and overwhelmed. God bless you richly. And to Dimeji, thank you for pushing. For this feat alone...I'll never forget you. You're a good man.

Adupeola cares...always!


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