An Open Letter To My Future Husband.

Dear Future Husband,

I want to start off on a good note by thanking you for your patience with me thus far. I know many men would have given up waiting for me, but not you. Never you! I apologize that it's taking me longer than I thought to grow up and be the right woman for you. I've never been a strong believer in the saying that there's ever only one person for each of us. Most of us have loved a couple of times. It doesn't make it less significant or it doesn't solidify the point that there is only one. Statistically, it hardly makes any sense. There are more women than men in the world right now. But I digress. I tend to do that when I'm nervous. And I am. This is the first time I've ever thought to write to you.

We might be with the wrong people right now or we might have even found each other and not know it(If that's the case, we're the wrong people right nowwe'll be right a little later). Either way, this letter is for you and it will probably be the first of many. I've always felt that letter writing is so much more personal than texting or emailing. Dearest, I don't even know you and yet I love you so very much. I pray for you every day. I want so many wonderful things for you. I want you to be happy and secure in your manliness. I'm waiting for you to outgrow the phase you're in right now. I want you not to have unhealthy relationships that drain your essence and eat at you from within. I want you to be comfortable with letting me in.

The first time I thought about you, I was 7. The second time 13, the third time 16. Now, I'm in my early twenties and you've crossed my mind again. I must confess that I'm in no particular hurry to bind myself for life. I want to be a free agent for as long as I can. Not to worry though,  I'm training by the side to groom my domestic side. I'm not very domestic and I want to change that. I need you to keep at the back of your mind that I might not make a good first impression. Sometimes, I can come across as harsh or snobbish. I'm not really. I'm just overly reserved and lately I've become more irritable than I usually am. So, I'm going to need you to give me a second chance. Okay, darling?

I don't want much from a man. I just want a man who loves and respects my family like he would his own. I want a man that carries out his full responsibilities as man of the house. I want a man that would not stand in the way of my ambitions but one that would encourage me to grow. I want my doors opened and my bags carried. I want a good old-fashioned gentleman with just the right amount of an edge to make him more exciting to me. I'm not asking you to be all that, I'm just letting you know it would help a lot if you were. I want you to be free to give love and recieve love. I want you to be easy to talk to and relaxing to be with. I want you to fight with me but never go to bed mad at me. I want you to love our children because they are the proof of our love for each other. Before you do anything, I want you to be the sort of man who asks himself, "would this hurt my wife?".

I want to be able to rely on you. I might be independent but once in a while I'm going to need a hero. I want you to want to spend time with me even after we've been married for 25 years. I want you to love me more each day. I want to be able to say that you bring out the best in me. I want to spoil you with good meals and good loving. I want our love to increase and not decrease as the years slowly creep by. I want you to be that man that makes me treasure reality above my fantasies. I want you to be imperfect but loyal. Yes, a part of me still craves a bad could always be my reformed rake(although I don't want to be the woman who changes you, I want to be the one you sought out after you change).

I want a big wedding. The very same one I've planned since I was 8. Do nothing to disrupt that dream. My dear FH, be that man that makes me look forward to the rest of my life. The man that isn't afraid to let me move away from his shadow and remain my own person. Do not notice me now. Do not come find me now. I'm far from ready. Wait a couple more years and I will be...remain patient. Let me have all my ducks in a row first. I don't know when that'll be, but when I know, I'll inform you.

P.S. My ring had better be from Tiffany & Co. or...

P.S.S It wouldn't hurt any if you could sing...(I like lullabies!)

P.S.S.S I love you!

With Love,

Your Future Wife


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