Wrong Relationships! - 2
In my last post I enumerated 6 warning signs of a wrong relationship. I cannot emphasis enough on how unhealthy staying in a wrong relationship is. I decided that it would be best if I dropped a few more warning signs that a relationship is wrong for you.
They are;
1. If you keep doubting you're in the right relationship: We tend to notice major stuff unconsciously at first. Poets and romantics would say your heart feels the truth way before your head figures it out. If doubts keep arising frequently in your mind about your relationship, about your partner, then you're probably in the wrong relationship. Not thoroughly checking to see if there's something to this doubt and just constantly pushing it aside may lead to regret. If it was right, you know you wouldn't doubt it. Not in your heart, not where it really matters!
2. If your partner makes all the major decisions in the relationship: A relationship is 2 people coming together to become one. Still, they are still 2 people involved. In a good relationship, you learn to compromise on some things. It also means that you both get a say in the making of decisions. But if the other party makes all the decisions and never takes any of your suggestions and all you do is constantly follow because you've become desperate to keep them in your life, then you should probably know you're in the wrong relationship.
3. If you keep wondering what your partner does when you're not there: We all know that trust and communication are the foundation of a good relationship. If any of these 2 goes missing, your relationship is in troubled waters. But we must admit that some people are just downright shady and so sneaky that they give you a reason to doubt them. If you can never be sure what your partner is up to, or if they keep acting all suspicious and it becomes harder to trust them, don't keep trying to, just leave. If you push yourself to trust them against all odds, despite knowing they do not deserve it, do you know how devastating it would be for you if they betray that trust? Don't push it.
4. If you feel you have to change who you are because of your partner: Yes, I remember that I said a little earlier that compromising is a good thing and it really is. Also trying to tolerate and trying out new things because your partner likes them is admirable as well. But, if you have to change your entire personality, character, habits, who you are because of your relationship, then it's WRONG! A relationship should be where you are more comfortable being you...being an individual because you know the other person loves you for the very fact that you have your own personality. If they try to mold you into who you are not just to suit their tastes, making you lose yourself in the process, then they're wrong for you. We all change a bit when we get into a relationship, we just shouldn't change so much we no longer remember who we are.
If someone truly loves you, they would love all your different angles; the good, the bad and the ugly. They should accept you flaws and all. The fact that you're not perfect should be more attractive to them. Never change who you are for anybody or any reason. There is a reason you are that way and it makes you unique, if only in a little way. Love yourself enough to leave such a relationship.
So, there we have it. I added 4 more signs making it 10 altogether. I hope I reached someone. Have a nice day.
Adupeola cares!
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