Father; A Daughter's First Love!

He sets the standard for the kind of man we let into our lives. Anytime we settle for a man that isn't like him we get hurt. Everytime we trust a man that doesn't treat us the same way he does, we get heartbroken. He's our protector. A father is by nature overprotective of his daughter. No matter how big she gets, she remains his little girl. The kind of bond they share, it's impossible to break.

He's there through all the good times and the bad. Even on a terribly bad day, he knows just what to say or do to make it all better. He keeps you confident reminding you always of how beautiful he thinks you are. All he wants is to hold your hand and guide you and have you call him, "daddy".

Even when you reach the dreaded teenage years and you start to have secrets and you can no longer tell the only one you've ever really confided in how you're feeling, it's okay just knowing if you wanted to, you could because he would always be there and he will never judge you. Not once. He's always on your side. On your team.

I know not every daughter has a wonderful relationship with her father but most do. It's okay if you don't, it doesn't make you any less of a human. Some fathers are mean and they abuse their daughters physically and emotionally. They are the bad examples but we can't help having those too. It's part of life. All women that have fathers like that can do is find a way to forgive such fathers. I don't know how that feels so I won't go into details.

Fathers can do something mothers cannot do. They help a daughter know how it is to completely and totally love a man purely. They show us by example how men should treat us. They build our self worth. They push us to be strong women. They remain loyal even after we disappoint them. Their love remains absolute.

When I was younger,  after I've scared myself silly reading a scary novel or watching a horror flick, the only way I get through the night is knowing that daddy will come and check up on me atleast twice during the night and that there was no way he would ever let a bad monster get me. I've always told people that the only person that could drive me and I would take a nap is my father. I trust him to not let any harm come to me. Every other person, I stay wide awake.

I remember the first day of school at every grade. He would walk me into my class and watch me settle down. The moment he leaves the room, I begin to cry but he always looks back and when he does, his eyes are teary as well. I remember my first day in high school (secondary school). It was actually a boarding school. I resumed on a Sunday. I guess the excitement of a new place was so intense that I didn't even notice when my parents left. The next morning though, the excitement wore off. I cried all the way to my class. Then a senior came in and told me to go to the staff room. The minute I entered the room, I saw my parents, I saw my daddy and I burst into tears no more brave girl for me. I ran to him, he held me and then he teared up a little.

He has always been my knight in shining armor. I tell men everyday if you want to win my heart for real, you have to be able to be like my dad and even surpass his love for me. To him, I always come first. Nothing matters more than his family. To him, I am a priceless jewel. To him, I am the epitome of beauty. To him, I am intelligent, charming and just plain awesome. Once their was a lady that told me, "you don't need a PR agent, you already have your dad and he works for free". Even though I have my shortcomings as a daughter, some he's aware of and others not so much, one things is sure, none of those things are enough to change how he feels about me. Or the fact that he will love me forever.

In my first year, we were asked to write an impromptu essay. Pick any topic and just write. I immediately drew a blank. What could I write on? Then it came to me,  I have a goodluck charm, always have; my father. And so I took my pen and wrote my essay. My topic? Simple. My Father, My Hero. I got an excellent grade on that paper. Lol!

It was the title of a movie I saw as a child. It stuck with me because I could see my dad in that role. The role of a hero. I love him so very much and he means the world to me. I constantly pray that I never let him down and that if I do, he is able to forgive me and keep loving me.

To all the wonderful fathers out there, you're loved and respected. Trust me when I say every daughter needs her father. Father's are just as important.

To new fathers, it is really worth it. You have someone that will look up to you and someone that will wait for you to save her from her demons and from the world in general.  Be strong and stay responsible. You don't want to regret it later.

To my dad; I know you don't miss my blog posts.  Thank you. I love you and you're the best father any daughter could've wished for. I pray God grants you long life because even though I know I can't repay you, I'm going to try my hardest to make sure that you know how much you mean to me.

A father is a daughter's first love and a son's first role model.


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