Step 6: Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone; Try Something New!

Stepping outside of our comfort zone (our place of safety) is not easy for so many of us. Some people find the very idea of change or doing or even eating something new quite terrifying. I'll give you a personal example. I've never eaten or prepared a poached egg (don't even know if that's the right way to say it), anyway, yesterday I decided to make it and actually eat it. Since I had never prepared it before I had like a crate of eggs just in case. I was determined that even if it wuld take me using up all the eggs, I would make it.

I'm glad to report that I got it at the very first try. I cannot begin to tell you all the thoughts I had while making it. To me, it's preparation is quite icky. I kept wondering if it would cook all the way through,  then I started thinking about the fact that white people eat the strangest things (not a racist). For the benefit of those who do not know how to make a poached egg,  I'll just go ahead and summarize it. You crack an egg into simmering hot water and then you use the egg whites to cover up the yolk. Very simple.

I ate it and I loved it and to think that at first I was afraid I wouldn't be able to. That's the thing about trying out new things or stepping out of your comfort zone. How do you know you don't like what you've never tried? Living your whole life inside your comfort zone is like not existing at all. Life just passes by and you never take time out to enjoy it.

Of course you have to be wise in choosing the kind of stuff you wanna try out. I have also tried out things I knew where stupid even before I tried them. Try new things, step out of your comfort zone but stay wise. Sign up for a class you always wanted to but couldn't because of fear. Make new friends. Try new dishes. Learn a craft. Try out new recipes. Travel to a city you've never been to. Try out a new activity.

Trying something new will ensure that your life will never be in a runt. Try it out and see how it feels. Try it out as an individual and even as couples. Have fun!


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