Detoxifying Your Body And Your Mind.
We already know that detoxifying means getting rid of toxic substances or toxins. When it comes to health matters, we know it means getting rid of toxins in our systems. To be completely healthy though, we have to not only deal with the enemy within but the enemy without as well. They are both equally harmful to us.
When I say enemy without, you're going to automatically assume I'm talking about the environment. In a way, I'm talking about it but also the kind of people you keep around you. These 2 factors can also add to the state of your wellbeing. Okay, take for example, you all know I decided to kick start my weight loss program with a 1 week detox exercise. During this week, I have to be extra careful what goes into my mouth. It has to be organic or raw. No refined sugars, no processed foods. No alcohol, nothing! It's a lot like weaning. I have to let go of everything I love to eat.
I must admit that it hasn't been very easy. Infact, it has been quite hard on me. I'm not used to denying my sweet tooth. I am also constantly surrounded by temptations, but so far, I've stayed strong. I'm really tired of this excess weight. That's me dealing with the enemy within. I am less tired, more refreshed and so much lighter. I won't say that I've lost any weight (I doubt I have), but, I already feel so very healthy. There's a change. I no longer have my on and off headaches. I am proud to report that I haven't popped a single capsule of Tylenol in 2 days! That's a miracle for me.I no longer wake up fatigued and weak. I have a little more energy.
That's the benefits of dealing with the enemy within. I also have to avoid certain environments. I can't be where a lot of smoking is done. It's a known fact that some lung cancer victims weren't actually smokers, they just happened to inhale 2nd hand smoke (did I say that right?). To be completely rid of toxins, there's no need to go where one would be exposed to stuff like that.
The other known enemy without are people. Certain people just happen to be toxic. They have so much negative energy that they can't help but transfer it to the people around them. Others are so fond of tearing people down and discouraging them. People like that are the enemy without. You can hardly get much done if you stick around them. I know sometimes they could be people you can't completely avoid, like family. If you reinforce your determination to not let them get to you though, you could still emerge the victor.
Since I was a child, I've always been teflon to whatever life throws my way. I learned to only let what I want be my driving force. Most people tagged it an 'I don't care' attitude. That never bothered me. I just knew that if things didn't go a certain way and people were bummed, I wasn't. Nothing ever really got to me. If I expressed myself and people insulted me for exercising my civil right, I just laughed it off. Words never hurt me, they never got to me.
Of course there is that occasional person that knows where the concrete is at its weakest and attacks, but after the first painful blow, I talk myself into bouncing back. It wasn't until a while back that I learned to let the words itself just bounce off me like I never heard it. You should do what makes you happy. You should follow your dreams. Never let another human be the reason you're so depressed and blue. You know what depression eventually leads to? Emotional bingeing. Which in turn leads to weight gain.
Deal with both. You can't fight one and surrender to the other. It's better to be an overall champion than a champion in a particular category. I know you can do this. I have absolute faith in you. Fight your way to a better you. A you that you've always wanted. Not something unrealistic but something that can actually be achieved by you.
You know that popular quote, 'if life throws lemons at you, make lemonade'? Let that be at the back of your mind at all times in everything you do. This morning, someone asked me what I did and I replied that I was a writer and he laughed and I just replied that I was glad that he found me humorous. After that, he had nothing to say. He was expecting me to get mad, but I didn't. I know one of my strengths is writing and nobody can say anything that would make me doubt my ability to put pen to paper and come up with a fine piece of work. Lol...told you I had a big ego.
If you're into this program with me and you've tried so many diets like I have in the past and then got a little lazy and added more weight; if you tell people you're trying again, plenty will tell you not to waste your time and just give up. Don't get mad. Don't come up with reasons why this time will be different. Whenever they say, "you can't do it". Reply them with, "watch me!".
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