Step 4: Let Go Of Friendships And Relationships That Have Run Their Course.
What does this mean? It means letting go of people that have no business still being in your lives. We were created to be dynamic because He who created us is dynamic. He moves faster than technology and scientific breakthroughs. We never stay at the same point all through our lives. We all know that the only constant thing in life is change. And whenever change comes, some things go with it's tide.
So what if you've been friends for ages, if the person keeps pulling you back instead of forward, it's time to let go. Your relationship of 5 years that doesn't seem to be going anywhere. You're still at that same spot you were when you started out together, gather your courage and leave. Don't let the fear of loneliness make you stay where you shouldn't! Holding on to someone that doesn't want to be with you is very unhealthy. Let your ex go and just move on.
I know how hard it is to let go. I've had issues in this area for so long, I still do at times. It's hard to work so hard on something for so long and just abandon it beacuse it's causing more harm than good. On those days you get lonely and down you're almost tempted like the Israelites were, to go back to Egypt. It never occured to them that if Egypt was good enough for them, God would have never asked them to leave.
I read somewhere yesterday that when ending a relationship or a friendship you should just go ahead and speak your mind especially if the person hurt you. The article said, "let them know you hate them and right now you don't wish them well in anyway. You never want to see them again and you wish they get hit by a truck or just slump and die". (Lol...I added that last part). While I do not agree with this kind of approach, I guess I get where the writer is coming from.
Why would you wanna stay friends with your ex or someone you decided you no longer needed in your life? I know they say it's mature to settle stuff amicably and still be able to have some sort of rapport but it really isn't. Not letting go totally will make it more difficult for you to move on with your life. I'm not saying you can't still talk once in a while or anything I just mean that during the period when the break up is still quite fresh, have no contact whatsoever with them. Make that part of you disappear for 6 months or a year depending on how long it takes you to recover. That means no texting, no calls, no emails, no chats, NOTHING!!!
If something has run its course it should exit. Keeping it with you only adds to your baggage. You can't be completely free until you let go. Even if it is your fault; let go, forgive yourself and be a better person next time. I once heard that, "you can't make someone determined to leave, stay". I have a lot of excess baggage right now. I'm an hoarder and the only thing I hoard is people. Letting go leaves me feeling guilty afterwards.
I'm in this journey because I sincerely want to become a better person and if one of the steps is letting go, which happens to be difficult for me, I still gotta do it. A friend said to me yesterday, " nothing good comes easy". It's true. If you don't work hard for something you never know it's true worth.
Letting go doesn't mean you're weak. It means you're strong enough to do what you know deep down is the right thing for you. Sometimes, you have to be selfish and put you first. And even though it doesn't always look that way, letting go is often times just as good for you as it is for the person you're letting go of.
Take some time to examine the people in your life. Who gets to stay and who has to go. Make sure they exit today. Less is more.
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