Step 5: Be Patient!
My people, the Yorubas often say, "Suru lere" meaning, "patience has virtue/or it's rewards". That saying is very true. Just a little dose of patience can save you from a world of hurt. Patience is a virtue that eludes even the best of us. I can not begin to detail to you the things I have ruined because of my lack of patience.
I am very impatient and I don't like having to follow a schedule for any reason. Also, my ego has led me to believe that my impatience is actually what makes me different. Afterall, if I want something I just go get it. Just being patient keeps you from making wrong choices. Wrong choices like saying yes to the wrong guy, accepting the wrong job, even quitting something. It's amazing what changes when you just slow down and think about it for a while.
I've heard often that if you have a hard puzzle today, instead of jumping in at solving it, try after a good night's sleep and you'll find how many other options there are for a way out. You don't have to give your answer under pressure. You can take time out to think about it. You don't have to find shortcuts to success, only hardwork brings good success.
Sometimes what you think is love is just infatuation. Do you know the kind of pain and heart break you would have saved yourself and the other party if you just waited it out to be sure about your feelings before jumping into a relationship.
So, before you take that job, think about it. Before you go into that relationship, be doubly sure, take more time to just evaluate things. Before you quit that job, before you exit your relationship, just stop and THINK about it. Patience is tough but it works wonders.
Starting from today, I'm gonna be practicing patience. You should too. Remember that the patient dog eats the fattest bone. I hope I make a little sense. Okay, let's give this a try.
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