The Art of Submission

Submission. That one word that gets our panties in a bunch (pardon my faux pas). It is a much dreaded word...modern day feminists have even made the word their enemy. They seem to think submission = doormat. I disagree with that theory. I'm  all for gender equality. If we're being completely honest, I might fit the tag 'feminist'. I agree with the movement, I get why it started. But I find that I don't agree with some of their modern day theories.

Submission, according to Wikipedia, is the action of accepting or yielding to a superior force or to the will or authority of another person. Accepting...Yielding. Let's take a look at those two words:

Accepting; consent to receive or undertake (something offered). (Wikipedia)

Yielding; disposed to submit or comply. (Webster)

One of my favorite authors described feminity as , "strength wrapped in meekness".

Ofcourse I'm going to examine the definition of meekness as well.

Meekness; the fact or condition of being meek; submissiveness. (Wikipedia)

Lol...I must confess that while searching for the definition of these words and finding them to be so interwoven, I became a tad excited. How can we claim to be feminists when daily we try to shed our covering of femininity? Doesn't that make all the 3 waves seem to be in vain? Why should we want our gender to be recognized as just as equal when all we do is try to be like the other gender? We should aspire to be secure in our feminity. That's the only way feminism will make a better/bigger impact.

We're human and flawed. Human nature is rebellious. Ofcourse some of us might have a tougher time submitting than others will. I used to have (it's an ongoing battle) a major problem in this area. Submitting to anything or anyone never came easily to me. I always fought against authority and restrictions. Then I read a book written by a beautiful woman of God, Elizabeth George titled, A Woman After God's Heart and I learned the best way to deal with something, break an habit or be more knowledgeable about a subject is to learn more about it. Learning helps us understand.

And I have started to understand and I am so excited about what I've learned that I cannot wait to tell my female readers all about it. Infact, I feel it might be a sin if I don't. So...stayed tuned and let's slay the dragon of ignorance together!

Yes...this is a continuation of my posts My Thoughts on Feminism.

Remember: "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge..." (Hosea 4:6)


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