My Thoughts On Feminism
Feminism is a broad subject. Seems like every other day I encounter an argument on the subject on social media. I am a student of communication so ofcourse I have had to deal with feminism theoretically. I learned about all three waves and I know almost all the scholarly views on the topic. But like my former lecturers would attest to, I can't just take their(the scholars) word for it! I always have my own opinion. If I was asked to write the views of 5 scholars on a particular subject, the 5th view was always mine. I never found out if they had a problem with my doing that...I never asked and none complained.
So...I felt it's only right that I have a personal view on this controversial topic as well. Let's start with cold, hard facts shall we? Let's define feminism. According to Wikipedia, Feminism is the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes. Okay...we've got that part out of the way. We all understand what it is. It is basically saying that women are human too. Not just men. I don't think we can ever be completely equal (let's be realistic...) but we are both uniquely human. Our rights shouldn't be different. I'm all for gender equality.
A male and female child both have the right to sound education. They both have the right to all the rights accorded to a human being. They both deserve to become or do whatever they set their hearts to do. Nothing should be tagged, "not for girls"! When I was younger, I loved playing with action figures, playing video games and getting into hellish mischief. The only time I was offended was when an adult told me I shouldn't be that way because I'm a girl. Why could 'he' do it and 'she' couldn't especially if they both can? I never got that part.
Also...I hated (I still do) double-standards. It's okay if he does it because he's male but it's the end of the world if she's female? No. EVERYONE, both male and female should be given the same punishment for the same sins. God isn't partial...why are we? No...what's wrong is wrong no matter who does it. If she's unfaithful to her partner, it's wrong, not because she's female, but because the act itself is wrong. If he's unfaithful to his partner, he's also wrong...there's no such thing as men will be's just wrong too.
I understand that this is a very broad subject and I intend to touch a huge chunk of it. So, it cannot be confined to a single post. Would I say I'm feminist? I don't know. Honestly, I don't agree with them(modern day feminists) on so many things but I still almost lost my damn mind when a driver of a commercial car I boarded ignorantly said a woman couldn't possibly rule a country. He went on to say that before she was done dressing up, making up and so on, the state of affairs of the country would have been in ruins. He said women were better off at home getting pregnant for their husbands. If I was a violent person, I would have hit him...HARD! Obviously he was misogynistic and certainly archaic in his thinking. But not all men are like that.
That's why I don't understand why modern day feminists seem to be on a constant battleground with men. It's like they're constantly in competition with them. Or bitter against them. That's not why we were created though. We were created to work together. Our gender differences are all so we can work together. Our different strengths and weaknesses are all supposed to come together to complete the puzzle.
And yes...I know when the argument becomes hot we tend to bring in the Bible. I intend to do that as you come for me with torches and pitchforks, let me patient till then.
To be continued....
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