Christmas Is Definitely In The Air!!!

I woke up this morning ecstatic. The count down was moving pretty fast....24 days until Christmas. This season is my heroine or crack. All through this season,  I'm full of energy. So, mum wasn't surprised when I wasn't grumpy this morning when she woke me up for church (I hate to be disturbed when I'm sleeping). After church, I was still in the best of moods, we went to visit my grandparents and I was still high. Fast forward an hour or 2 and it was like I was drained and needed a new fix.

At that point, everybody decided to get on my nerves all at once. Even mum. She topped it off by asking me to go on an errand which I felt(and still feel) she could have done on her own. I know we are supposed to choose to be positive and not negative...happy and not sad/depressed but it's really hard sometimes. When I went out, I felt like everybody was unhappy and cranky...can you really blame them though, giving the situation of things in this country? Especially the fuel palava, I just can't understand how wicked these people are to deliberately oppress the masses by depriving them of a necessity. I don't even want to get into all that...the very thought of it is driving me insane with anger. And if I try to delve into it or try to wrap my head around it, I might sin with my mouth or I'll just let it go for now. Eventually, I'm sure the 'cartel' hoarding the fuel will soon sit down with their families and drink fuel after every meal. But I digress.

Anyway, with my foul mood which I felt was because of external factors and the fact that I was PMSing, I wanted someone to lash out at. Then I saw this quaint little shop where books were sold. I'm an addicted reader...I cannot see books and look the other way...I had to take a look. I walked inside and I was bombarded with the excitement of the yuletide.  This woman was definitely keeping her joy close and not letting anything steal it from her. I didn't leave that store with a book but I left with a practical lesson.

She was smiling and welcoming. The joy radiated off her and even though my face probably showed that I was drowning in my own anger, it didn't faze her one bit. I walked out of there laughing at myself. I can be so self-centered at times. The only reason I was angry was because I didn't get to do things my way. Mum disrupted my plans. And others didn't do what I wanted/expected of them. Silly me!

Look at it from that angle...most times when you're angry, later when you simmer down don't you ever wonder why you blew your top in the first place? You could have reacted differently but you didn't because you're selfish. Every human is selfish to a particular extent. There's good selfish and bad selfish...good selfish is when you take the time to cater to yourself without outside distraction and not losing track of who you are in the rushing tide of life. Bad selfish is when everything must go your way and everyone must tow your line(but that's a post for another day).

By the time I got back home, I was humming  Christmas carols with a big smile on my face. I got my joy back. Isn't that what Christmas is all about? Spreading the cheer...the joy...the love of Christ, the goodwill, peace, etc. That woman spread the joy and I absorbed it and now it's my duty to pass it on to someone wherever you are today, whatever you might be doing, I want you to take a second to put a big smile on your face even if you don't feel like it...fake it until it becomes happy!

Jesus loves you....He is the reason for the season!!!

Happy New Month and Merry Christmas in advance!!!



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