Why Women Do Not Need Men In The 21st Century

There are so many reasons why women can choose to do without men in this era. There are so many replacements out there for men. The need to have a man in her life no longer trumps every other thing in a woman's mind (ofcourse there are always exceptions to one rule). Women no longer need men to make them happy. Turns out they can do that all by themselves now.

Reasons Why Women No Longer Need Men.

1. Women earn their own money - After the liberation era, women can now work wherever and do whatever job they want. The slogan, ' what a man can do, a woman can do better' is no joke. Not only do women have the ability to earn good money, sometimes they earn more than the men in their lives (not that this is a problem). It just means that the necessity of a man for the sole purpose of provision is now eradicated.

2. Women can protect themselves - Gone are those days when a woman needed a man by her side to give her a sense of safety. Nowadays, not only can they defend themselves, they can also 'throw down' with the meanest of men. Many a woman can handle a gun. And all women can speak up for themselves when a situation demands it.

3. Women can fix stuff too - The independent woman will never just sit around and wait for some guy to fix things for her. She would get right to it and fix it herself. The modern woman can fix flat tires, blocked drainages, put in a new bulb and so many other simple things and a few complex ones.

4. Women can drive - Women do not need a man to chaffeur them around. They can drive better than most men. And women that cannot drive find a way to get to where they need to be.

5. Women can put a roof over their heads - They work hard and make good money. Of course they are going to find a way to put a permanent roofs over their heads. Why would they wait for a man before owning a house? Even those that are married still build their own houses for stability and the fact that you can never really have to much real estate.

6. Women do not need a man in there lives to have children - I know men are gonna argue and say a man is still needed to make a woman fertile. But the thing is, women do not have to get married anymore to have children. They can just go into a sperm bank, choose the perfect donor and then be inseminated (doesn't really happen immediately though).

7. Women can make their own orgasms - According to recent research, women do not necessarily need men to have an orgasm. Infact, sometimes men cannot achieve the same results women ahieve on their own. What with all the coitus related toys created just for women. Lol! If a man is not even needed for that, what then is the purpose of man in a woman's life?

I could go on, but I think you get the gist and that's all that really matters. This article is not a feminist article. It is also not an encouragement towards lesbianism, it is against my culture, morals and personal beliefs. This is just me wondering why women can do all these by themselves and yet men are still the main bone of contention between the ladies.


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