What About God?
Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying God cannot fight His own battles, I'm just saying why take His love, His grace, His mercy, why take all of these for granted? Every time I take in what is going on around me I can't help but come to the conclusion that, "it is by His grace that we are not consumed." It wouldn't take God long to destroy the world. The only reason that I think He hasn't is because He swore by Himself to Noah that He would never destroy the world again (Genesis 8:21-22). God values His word even more than His name (Numbers 23:19). That is why the earth and her inhabitants still remain.
I am not a pastor. I am not even overly spiritual. There is one thing I'm certain about though and that is the fact that I love and fear God. I love Him because He loved me first (1 John 4:19). I love Him because His grace abounds unto me. I fear Him, not because I'm scared of Him, but because I am awestruck at His majesty. Why then do we continue to dare this God? The one that holds all the cards. The one that sees even the things we think are hidden. I don't care how many people this post might offend. A mollycuddled child ends up destroyed.
Just this morning, a man tried to dupe me using the name of the Lord. I was so shocked at such audacity that all I could do was nothing. Why? Why would that young man think it was okay to commit a sin using God's name? Did he never read it or hear it somewhere that while God may love sinners and wait for them to repent, He loathes sin. What he did was just plain disrespectful. Was He testing God? Or daring Him? Doesn't everything just make you wonder how much time we really have until the second coming?
Another issue completely bothers me. The issue of homosexuality. Why would humans assume that was okay when God, who created us, said it wasn't and destroyed 2 cities for that very act? Did we forget so soon about Sodom and Gomorrah? Or is it that must of us just skip the part of the Bible we do not like? (Leviticus 18:22-30 emphasis on 22). Unlike man, God says what He means and doesn't mean something else while saying another. I understand that the western world is cool with defiling themselves in that manner but down here in Africa, we just aren't ready to incur any more of God's wrath. I mean, have we not paid dearly enough for civilization? Why should we add eternal damnation to the price list?
It is not part of our culture and it will never be. Even if our 'leaders' eventually budge and accept it, it will still meet with plenty of resistance from the people. I know we have adapted so many of the Western culture into our own, acts that were very rare a few years back. The adaptation of another culture led us to forget all those things we held dear and has left this present generation in a state of utter confusion. Most of us can no longer draw the line between good and bad. The rest just doesn't care. We have a God that is quick to forgive and mighty to save and so we continually take Him for granted.
I have heard it so many times that homosexuality is not a choice. I'm not buying that! God created a man and a woman and He asked them to be fruitful and multiply. If He was going to create people with the tendency to be attracted to others of their own gender, He would have created two men or two women. But He didn't. And He also went as far as eradicating from existence places that were involved in such acts. I'm starting to repeat myself. I'm just surprised how we don't get that it is a sin. Are you telling God He didn't create things in the right order or are you redesigning for Him?
"Be fruitful and multiply." If it was really okay with God, homosexuals would be able to make children on their own instead of adopting and whatnot. I can accept everything, from liars to fornicators, robbers, fornicators, adulterers, murders even. I can accept them into my life and show them God's forgiveness by first forgiving them because I'm a sinner too and then we would help each other rise up from the pit of sin. I would never accept homosexuals though. Never! To them I cannot be a Christian. The very thought of the act makes me want to throw up in my mouth continously.
The fact that God is letting it be right now doesn't mean it's okay. It's not. Not by a long shot. I've been approached by a lady who wanted to start a 'relationship' with me. I was so angry I could have sworn I popped a vein in my head. I have always just assumed people like that were possessed by demons or worshipping Satan! I know to God sin is sin. There is not one greater than the other. But there are limits. How could you possibly ask for forgiveness for a particular sin and still dabble into it? Better ask for grace.
I am not perfect. Not even righteous. Recently, I've been trying harder to stay true to God and I've been succeeding. Just ask God for help. He is willing and able to deliver you. Go to Him today and put it all behind you. If every last soul on earth accepts these acts of abomination. I, Adupeola, will never accept them. Never! Never!! Never!!! Le ti gbo yen.
If it is true that our President is against it as well, I commend him and for the first time he has done something I not only acknowledge but I'm willing to appreciate him for (got no interests in politics). I hope he doesn't break though...nobody can force us to do anything anymore. We're no longer slaves.
I know most of the people involved just don't dabble into it for no reason. Some of them actually do it conciously for gain of some kind. I have said my mind and I do not care whose ox is gored.
Shey e tun fe gbo, Greater is He that is in Adupeola than he that is in the world. #NowYouKnow
Repent the kingdom of God is at hand...Revelations 22:20
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