
Recently, I've been having flashbacks. It's quite normal to look back at the past and attempt to romanticize it, but, I've decided to be more objective about it. I've been thinking a lot about Mr. O (not present but past). I remember writing that I didn't feel any of those things my friends tell me about for him. So, I summed it up to mean that I probably didn't love him. After giving it a little more thought, I see that I did love him. I also see why people say love isn't enough. It wasn't in our case. Care to take a quick trip down memory lane with me? Tbh, it's great writing material and I thought to myself, why not? 

Do you remember the Netflix series Sex/Life? Lol! That series messed with me. If there's a season 2, I will not be watching. At first, I watched and judged the female lead. What is her problem? Why is she looking for trouble? Why did she keep thinking about him? Her life was near-perfect and she was still dissatisfied. That was my initial reaction. After a while, I started to understand her. Understanding her does not mean I agree with her ways. Infidelity is inexcusable. What I understood is that she didn't purge herself of her ex before she got with her husband. Well, I was different in that way. I'd purged myself of my ex. There was a space of four years between them after all. 

Still, I wondered. Will I at some point become bored with the predictability of life and would I, like the female lead, find myself yearning for the most toxic relationship of my entire dating life? Lol...I hope not. That would make me a loose cannon. And while I'm weird and comfortable with that title. Insanity doesn't suit me. I've done insane things but I'm not close to being insane. The female lead wrote it out. I'm going to do the same. Not to romanticize it as she did, but to see it for what it was. Also, I think it would be a fun read for you guys. I mean, I can't just stop where I did letting you guys assume that I ended up with the same Mr. O I wrote about in my What do women want? series.

First of all, I'd like to mention how glad I am that some of my old audience read my last post and are looking forward to my new posts. Let me ask one thing, I went through the blog to try and remember where I left off...do you guys laugh as much as I laughed reading them? There were some cringe-worthy posts. I wanted to die of embarrassment while I was reading them. Did I change? Or did I just grow older? Lol...my silliness came through in some of those posts, huh? I loved reading through it though. My growth was visible. When I started, I was immature and so angry. I can still be immature but I'm less angry. Thank God for that. In my next post, I'll get right into it. Consider this my prologue. Lol.

Bonne journée!


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