Dear Future Husband
I know I've written something like this before...but I've been reading a lot of it online and decided to write my own.
Dear Future Husband,
I thought about you before drifting off to sleep last night. I can't wait for the moment you go from being abstract to becoming my reality. The first time I thought about you, I was 8. I had just watched Mulan and I wondered if like Mulan and Captain Li Shang, we'll be able to recognize each other even when I'm not actively looking out for you or I don't look like the picture in your head. I've always hoped that no matter what, we find our way home.
Thanks to Disney, I grew up with my head in the clouds. Reality has been mind-jarring but I'm still an hopeless romantic. I believe in love wholeheartedly. The forever kind of love. Where we grow old and grey with our children, grand-children & great grand-children round about our table. I know love like this will definitely take some work and I'm ready to give a hundred percent, are you?
Every night, I'm on my knees praying for you, praying for me, praying for our legacy. I'm working hand in hand with God to be the kind of 'helpmeet' that you need. DFH, I want to love and be loved. I want your heart, your loyalty & your trust. I want you to be able to talk to me about anything and everything. I'm like a palm-tree, the seasons of life has got nothing on me, no matter what comes our way, I'll stand by you.
Love is a choice we make. It is sustained by hardwork & consistency on the part of both partners, there won't ever be a time I'll leave you to carry the weight alone. I want you to love my family and I want to be in love with your family. I already love you, so I know I'll love them and since I pray for your family as well, whenever they meet me, they'll love me too!
I've always been inspired by my parents' love story and wanted one like their own. I'm all grown up now and I've decided I want to write my own unique love story. Will you write it with me?
P.S. A live-action remake of Mulan will be released in 2020, let's go watch it together.
With love,
Your Future Wife
This nice