Happy Sunday!!!
It's a beautiful day isn't it? The skies are blue...the day is bright and truly fair. Just like that we're in the second half of the year and for some reason, it seems to be zooming along.
The first half of this year has brought my way mixed feelings. Happiness, excitement, anxiety, fear, grief, sorrow, longing, nostalgia, etc. I went through all these. As many would recall, I lost my grandfather the first half of the year. It hurt. It still hurts. I don't think I've ever lost anyone dear to me. I finally truly understand what it means to grief. I still miss him...daily...but I know he's in a better place.
Did i mention that I lost weight? Lol...I can't seem to get past it. I'm surprised. After trying and failing so many times before, I thought it was never going to happen...but it did. I got an extra burst of self-esteem because of that. I never realized how much weight gain affected one's self-esteem. But it does, right? I think we shouldn't let it, but what do I know?
Okay...what else? Yeah...that's right. I might have told a little white lie when I claimed to be single and produced a self-righteous rant on the subject. I just really hate it when people pry into my life like that. Like the fact that I'm single or in a relationship has no bearing whatsoever in how competent I am in doing what I do best - mending hearts. Then again, since I'm officially single until I'm married(there's no I'm in a relationship box on official documents.. i checked...) technically, it wasn't a full blown lie.
I've been in a relationship for almost a year. Yes, I kept it under wraps...I didn't even write a single post on him. Anyway, it's over now. While I won't go into intricate details about why that is, I'll just say my next couple of posts might give you an insight into the answers to that question.
Did I mention that I have a new crush? Lol...am I too old to have one of those? I can't wait to gush all about him to you. And I might just start up my Alpha Male series again. I have a bucket load of stories. It's a miracle that I'm not a gossip blogger...I would have killed at it.
So...if your days or nights tend to get a bit lonely and dreary nowadays or you need a pick me up or twenty...watch this space. I'll help with that...
Happy Sunday dearies!!!
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