Doctors Are The Worst Patients!(I'm on Toke's side)
It's a popular saying - doctors are the worst patients. How very true that is. A doctor can diagnose a patient faster than it takes to diagnose themselves. That aside, they are terrible patients. They want to treat themselves when all they really do is make themselves worse. I think their problem is because they are well learned in that particular area and yet they failed themselves.
They are aware of how you could complain of a simple cough and be diagnosed of stage four cancer. They know how fast things can go horribly wrong. They've seen things and have heard things. It the same thing with people that have been gifted to be experts in different spheres of life. It's not that they know it all or that they're immune from having whatever they fix happen to them. At the end of the day, they're just human.
So, what if a relationship expert has issues in her marriage. What if her husband cheated on her and got someone else pregnant. I'm still hoping it's not true. But if it is, life still goes on. That just means she gets to help fix others using her experience as a case study. I've been privileged to help many unmarried couples with their relationships. Have I been able to help myself? No! Physically or emotionally, I'm a bad patient.
You want other examples? Fine. I'll give them to you. How many people has Oprah helped? How many victims of abuse, rape, poverty, etc? Was she able to completely help herself? No. How many broken homes and troubled marriages does Dr. Phil Mcgraw help fix? Was he able to prevent his divorce? No! Does this mean they can no longer help the kind of people they used to? Does this mean their knowledge is no longer useful? No! It means they are HUMAN!!!
Personally, I'm disappointed with society. With their double-standards that are so glaring. This is the year 2015(incase you hadn't noticed), isn't it about time to drop some foolish notions? Why would you blame the wife for what the husband did? Did she create him with a wandering d**k? Did she force him to do what he did? Did she hold a gun to his head? Didn't he know enough to use protection? What if he infects her with some disease as a result of his wandering?
Doesn't it bother anyone that as private as she is, he would choose to humilate her publicly like this? Well, it bothers me! She didn't put the thought in his head, she didn't force him to do it, she doesn't deserve the blame!
Even if it's true, I hope it doesn't lead to a divorce. I hope she finds a way to forgive him. And if she doesn't, that's fine too. It's her prerogative. She can rise above this. It's just an hitch! Not everyone can have a perfect life.
I wish her the very best no matter what she chooses to do! And if you can't do that, just be silent. Your demeaning words aren't helping matters!
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