Another Journey??!
I know you've been on so many journeys with me since I started this blog. I've been on a lot haven't I? I truly am thankful that most of you tagged along with me. I remember my journey to a better me, I was able to work on my anger issues, my unforgiving attitude and so much more. Then my journey to becoming a better writer by writing every day for a full month. I accomplished that feat as well. The only journey I've continually failed at is the one targeted at my finally reaching my target weight.
My problem with weight loss is that it requires more discipline and willpower than I've got. You just can't give what you don't have. I've been on so many fad diets in the past one year and I always, always, gain the exact amount I intended to lose. It became a little easier when I stopped obsessing about losing weight. By no deliberate action of mine, I dropped a couple of pounds, without even trying. The sad news is that my weight has always fluctuated. I'm a little worried that by the time I swing towards the gain side I'll gain so much more than I have lost.
I know I should I've probably stuck with going to the gym and being attended to by a personal trainer, but he wanted me to give up chocolate. That's like asking a fish to give up it's aquatic habitat. That is just wicked. I don't see why I can't have both. I want to lose weight but not at the expense of chocolate. I mean, so many people have lots of exciting things on their bucket list, the most exciting thing on mine is my wanting to go to Belgium to binge on chocolates for a week!
I have an insane craving for chocolate. My exercise mostly comes from me walking to the store to go and buy them(chocolate). I figured that if I walked to the store and back it would almost make up for my weakness. I don't think I could ever have enough of it. I believe in topping chocolate with chocolate. I remember eating snickers as an appetizer using Nutella as dip. Or my making hot chocolate to go with Toblerone bars. Really...the world would be truly dreary for me if I had to give up my 'chocolate-fix'.
I'm far from an addict(totally questionable). I guess if I had the willpower I could go without it for a couple of days. Lol...who am I kidding? I've never truly understood the act of punishing yourself by depriving yourself of what you want. I don't believe in depriving Adupeola. Fact is, when I'm sad, bored, angry or PMSing, chocolate is my pick-me-up. So many days I doubt I would I've made it through without obliging my sweet tooth.
Enough about my almost-addiction. I'm about to go on another journey and I want you along for the ride. No! I'm not on a journey to lose weight although that might happen anyway(fingers crossed). I'm on a journey to build up my willpower and acquire self-discipline. I'm not even sure how I'm supposed to do that, but I wanna try. Probably I'll have to delve a little into psychology. Research, a whole lot of research is needful. I've got to learn the benefits of delayed gratification(even if it means letting a jar of Nutella last more than a day).
I believe a lot of my problems would be fixed if I picked up this vital tool I should've a long time ago. When I'm sure how to proceed, I'll let you know. Like you did with my other journeys, I hope you'll accompany me on this one as well. Who knows, I might even find the willpower and discipline to write a book(don't get your hopes up though).
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