An Open Letter To Tortured Souls
Dear Tortured Soul,
I know you're probably surprised that I chose to write to you first. Well, you shouldn't. I felt you needed a letter more. You needed a friend sooner. I'm ready to put you first and this is my proof of that. Honestly, I don't know that one thing that bothers you so. I seriously have no idea what that issue is that gives you sleepless nights. I can't guess the kind of stress you're going through or your worries that weigh you down so. I don't know how lonely you feel or how much you cry? I don't know what emotional state you're in or if you suffer from bouts of depression.
One thing I do know for sure is, I can sympathize. Why? Because I've been there. I've reached rock bottom and had no where to go but up! I've been betrayed and used. I've fallen so many more times than I care to remember. What matters is that I got back up right? I've dug myself into a pit of hopelessness and I even got to that desperate point where the very thought of living became too stressful for me. It doesn't matter if you have a million and one friends, if they don't truly get your personal battles, you always feel lonely. Every day brings along with it anxiety and worry. Every night, the only lullaby that works is drenching your pillow with tears.
It's not easy to be tormented or tortured. It isn't a physical thing and so when you say, "I'm fine", people can hardly tell that you really aren't! So many different things leads to this pain. Many of which you find so hard to disclose to someone else. And so you suffer silently day and night because you're resting on your own might. You lean inwards always. I know it's a cliché but it's true, "a problem shared is half solved...". It doesn't mean it gets fixed immediately. It doesn't mean things immediately become better. It doesn't mean it no longer hurts or haunts you. It means you've shared your burden and now it doesn't weigh you down as much anymore.
Because I have walked once in that dark alley, because I had to feel my way out blindly. Because I was too paranoid to turn to another for help, my season of torment lasted much longer than it should. It's truly a miracle that I didn't hurt myself. I've said it often that renewing my faith brought about my redemption. I couldn't have saved myself on my own. I tried and failed so many times. I'm writing to you first because there was no one there to help me through my season of hurt. I didn't let anyone in.
I'm writing to you, so you don't lose hope. So you don't give up. I'm writing so you know if I can break free, you can as well. I'm writing so you know it's actually better to live. Life can be beautiful if you just give it a chance. I'm writing so you know that atleast one person gets what you're going through. Not like a shrink(therapist) gets it, but like someone who once fought the same battles gets it.
You're stronger than you think. You just need to not give up hope. You need to fight off depression. Once you cross the line of submitting to depression, it's harder to go back. It becomes a full blown war. It comes after your life. You have to rise up from that pit, even if you have to crawl your way out.
You might not know it, but you are loved. So many people love you and are just waiting for a chance to show you how much. They are patiently waiting for you to turn to them for help so they can help you climb out too. This isn't something you want to do on your own dearest! Get help, you need it. By now, I'm sure you know I love you too. I truly care and because of my experience, I really want to help people fighting the same battles I once fought and still fight every single day. I want to help you see that tomorrow can be sunny and bright if you give it permission to be.
Break free!!! You can do it...I believe in you.
With love,
Someone Who Has Been There
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