A Little Push Early In The Year...
I haven't written anything since the year began and I'm ashamed. To make matters worse, No. 5 on my New Year Resolution list was; Write daily. I know I can blame life...I can say I got busy, I could say it has been hectic since the year began and I wouldn't be lying. But, it would have been an excuse. I was just a tad lazy. My commitment to writing shouldn't be hurt just because life gets in the way. I'm trying to learn the art of diligence. The art of truly committing to something and seeing it through even when I'm not in the mood.
When the year was just about to begin, I was excited. I always stay excited from Christmas through to New Year. It's a fully charged time for me. It's like I get a double burst of energy for the times that I was down during the year. Then January 1 passed and everything went back to normal. Lol...it's like being on drugs and then suddenly quitting(do not ask me how I know how that feels). It's not a fun time. The tide just changed. A new page was turned in the story of our lives. A new year doesn't necessarily bring about new things. It just brings about a second chance if you need one. And so many times I've wondered, what good is a second chance if you can't go back in time and redo your wrongs?
Now that I'm a bit more mature, I'm glad that there are no time machines yet and that we cannot go back and undo or redo our wrongs. Why? Because the good, the bad, the ugly, the secret, the open, the mistakes and the flaws, all these combined together and made us into who we are today. It doesn't matter if we're still not where we want to be. It truly doesn't matter if right now you look in the mirror and you no longer realize who's staring right back at you. It doesn't matter if you've disappointed yourself or you're still disappointed in yourself. A fresh start means a new beginning.
Just let go....let go of everything holding you down. I know for a fact that this is easier said than done but it isn't impossible. Dedicate yourself to becoming the person you want to be. Mahatma Gandhi said, "be the change you wish to see in the world"! That only means one thing. If you want a change, you've got to make that change. It doesn't matter where you are now, it's not over until you think it is. Cicero said, "while there's life there's hope." That's to say, as long as you're still walking, living and breathing on planet earth, you can still be who you want to be. The world is your oyster.
I really didn't have much to say so early in the year. It's been a quiet year for me so far and I truly hope it continues that way. I'm female and so getting older bothers me. Another year means another additional notch to my age. But this year, I'm not dreading it so much. I'm holding my peace. Whatever is mine will not pass me by. I'm being still and quiet and leaving room for God to be God in my life. I suggest you do the same. Of our own self we can do nothing (John 15:5).
Don't worry too much about tomorrow. Sufficient for each day is the trouble thereof. Do not dwell in the past...and do not be anxious about the future...just live your present in such a way that you get the future you're hoping for. It doesn't matter if you fall from time to time. Just don't stay on the ground...get back up...never give up.
In the words of Roman Poet Horace, "Carpe diem"!!! (Sieze the day!)
Once again...I wish you a Happy New Year....I pray you all have a wondrous 2016.
With Love,
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