The Classic Man!!!

The Classic Man is an endangered species. Ladies, he's almost out of existence! Guess what? We're to blame. Wondering why? I'll tell you;

◆ Mothers, you stopped raising kings.
◆ Sisters, you stopped training princes.
◆ Ladies, we lowered our standards and stopped the boy from growing into a man. We literally stunted his growth, emotionally and psychologically. He realized he no longer had to meet a particular standard. He no longer had to work hard to get our attention. He was offered a buffet instead of a priceless menu. We no longer reserved pearls for the worthy and handed them over to swines.

Can you see we're to blame for the near-extinction of the Classic Man?

Despite all these, some specimens still strive to reach full maturity. A very little percentage of them. Our job now is to revive the era of the Classic Man. But, until then, how do we recognize a member of this rare species?

Characteristics of the Classic Man.

1. He's a Gentleman: My dictionary defines the term 'gentleman' as, "a well-mannered or charming man. A man of breeding or higher class". I don't necessarily have to explain this. The definition speaks for itself. You can tell a man with class a 100 miles away.

2. He's Old-fashioned: He prefers the customs of earlier times. You know what I mean ladies? This man goes through all the proper ways of procuring your time. He actually woos you. He doesn't feed you corny line after corny line. He's an original.

Let me give you a personal example, there was a certain man I went out on a date with(he isn't my usual type), he captured my attention because he didn't compliment my looks or any physical attributes. He complimented my intelligence. My writing. The woman inside. I swooned(atleast in my mind). Even though he wasn't my type, I wanted to give him a chance to get to know me. If I wasn't adamant about being single for a season(more about that in another post), I'm sure it would have blossomed into something refreshingly different from my norm.

3. He's Soft-spoken: He has a pleasant, sweet and mild manner of speaking. Classy men never have to bellow or be lousy. They garner attention without shouting the house down. I swear, I'm disappointed when I see a couple having a misunderstanding and the man is shouting just as much as the woman. There's a popular saying amongst my people when they encounter men like that. Translated it says, "If a woman is acting like a woman, must a man also act like a woman?" No matter how incensed the Classic Man is, he keeps his voice pleasant and sweet. He's not a little boy who let's his emotions get the best of him. He has self-control.

4. He respects ALL women(emphasis on all): No matter who she is, no matter what she's done or doing, the Classic Man respects all women. Not only his woman. Not only his mother or sisters but all. He respects them because he was raised to treat every woman he comes across as a queen. He opens doors. Carries heavy loads. Doesn't raise his voice when speaking to them. He's sweet and charming to them all.

5. He has an easy smile: Sometimes, facial expressions makes us stay clear of some people. But not the Classic Man. He's very approachable. He always has a smile on his face when you encounter him. Sometimes, he has issues he's dealing with, but except you're really close to him, you hardly realize that because he greets people with a smile on his face. Tell me that's not the smile that attracted you to him in the first place? Lol...I knew it!!!

6. He looks good all the time: I'm not a fashionista so I might not be in the best position to talk about this attribute. But, tell me you've never met that one man who just throws something on and still manages to look good? It's probably because he's always well-groomed so he doesn't have that to worry about. Or because he already realized sagging isn't sexy...I don't know. You decide.

7. He apologizes when he's wrong: I've heard lots of women argue that men just find it hard to apologize when they're wrong because of their egos but find ways to show they're sorry. I sincerely disagree with that theory. A man isn't a man until he learns to admit his wrongs and apologize. It takes courage to apologize. Only the cowardly shy away from it. Let me tell you something else, in a relationship, the Classic Man also apologizes when he isn't wrong just to make things better between him and his woman. Remember, the person who apologizes first remains the bigger person. He knows it's his job to be the bigger person at all times.

8. He has goals: Goals can also be termed as ambitions, aspirations or purpose. It is a result that one is attempting to achieve. Nowadays, men have very unrealistic goals. You pick them out as soon as you hear them. They seem to think the loftier their goals the more impressive they are. Not true. The Classic Man's goals are results he is sure he can achieve in the time he has allotted himself and he has new goal once old ones are achieved.

If he says he wants to start up a multi-million kind of business from the ground up without starting little or having any means of ready capital(his parents aren't rich and he hasn't worked a day in his life), RUN!!!

9. He lends an helping hand when he can: He might not always go out of his way to help others but he doesn't pass up a chance to help in some little way. He's compassionate.

10. He's easygoing/friendly: People gravitate towards him because he's a friendly person. Like I said earlier, he's approachable and some might even look up to him. He's humble and he treats everyone with dignity and respect. This man is going places.

With everything I've listed above, I'm sure you also agree with me that the Classic Man is a rare commodity. An endangered species. If you're lucky enough to come across one, be good to him.


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